About the Adventure


Wing and a Prayer is a venture that has been undertaken by two friends, Sue and Jo, to change their lifestyle, to grow food sustainably, to help others improve their nutrition, and to brighten a small corner of the world. In July of 2016 we unofficially began our journey in Hereford, Arizona by purchasing 9 acres in the foothills of the Huachuca Mountains. The property abuts the Coronado National Forest on one side and has the Our Lady of the Sierras Shrine above it. Our big picture, or over-arching goal, is to be able to provide quality, whole, organically grown foods to those who may not normally be able to afford it. Those who can’t walk into a Whole Foods and purchase organic, free-range duck breasts whenever the mood strikes. So many people are trying to make ends meet and sometimes that means feeding less than quality food to their growing families, because they cannot afford any thing else.  We want to be able to offer good foods to low income families, those on food stamps, military enlisted, retirees on fixed incomes, single parents, or whoever needs help affording fresh foods. We’re raising heritage chickens and plan to sell eggs, chicks, and meat. Then add other animals, fruit, and vegetables as we can.  We hope to share our bounty with you.  Join our adventure!

2 thoughts on “About the Adventure”

  1. Thank you for your lovely comment. WordPress recommended your sight to me, and when time allows I look forward to read a bit more. 🙂Belinda


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