blogger-recognition-award-threeA little while ago, one of our sweet followers nominated us for a blogger recognition award – which is amazing! I was just blown away!  I want to thank Robin at for nominating us for the recognition. With that nomination comes a few rules, so I’m taking some time now to finally comply.

Here are the Award Rules
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
2. Write a post to show your award.
3. Give a brief story of how your blog got started.
4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
5. Select 15 other bloggers to nominate.
6. Comment on each blog to let them know you nominated them and provide a link to your post.

How did this blog get started? Well, we really started this blog just to keep the folks at home up to date with what was happening. Before we left, you wouldn’t have believed how many people asked us to keep them informed by e-mail. There was just no way we could have done that, so it was just an easy way for us to get the word out to people… family especially.

I’m very new to the blog-o-sphere so I’m hesitant to give advice to anyone else when I’m trying to make it work for us. If I had to say something (which I think I do), I’d say pick a schedule and stick to it as much as possible. Don’t be a slave to it though. If you’re sick and can hardly keep your eyes open or sit up… let it go a day or two. But get back on it as soon as you can!

Because I am new to the blogger world, I haven’t followed that many new people, but let me share those that inspire and inform me.

The Universal Gardner: I love hearing about gardening life in Australia!
Bloom Where You’re Planted: We share much the same philosophy.
Minding My Nest: Kelly is an amazing photographer and she generously shares her knowledge and the beauty that she finds in the every day.
Wes Ellis: Wes doesn’t blog a whole lot at the moment, he’s working on his Doctorate, but there are kernels of wisdom to be found on Face Book and Twitter.
Abundant Permaculture: Justin is one of Sue’s very favorite bloggers/vloggers.
Fresh Eggs Daily: Lisa is someone I started following way back at the beginning, before Wing and a Prayer was ever a thought in anyone’s head.

thank-you-smallpreview-fAnd… that, as they say, is that!   I hope you take a moment to check out the blog links above, but especially Robin’s, who was kind enough to nominate us – she has some great ideas and recipes to share… she even has me thinking about getting an Instapot despite my fear of pressure cookers!!! I’ll let you know about that one later. Until then, as always~
Thanks for reading!

Today’s Weather: Surprise rain! Even though it was completely unexpected we are always thankful for rain. The couple of days have been exceedingly windy – upwards of 30 mph! I didn’t know it was blowing rain in though – none of our early warning systems said anything about it. the other surprise was that, in the higher mountains above us, we had the first dusting of snow! The high was around 58° degrees and the low tonight is expected to be 38°.

Egg Report: Because I sloughed off  a bit I need to bring you up to date for a few days. Tuesday – 11 chicken. Wednesday – 12 chicken. Thursday – 19 chicken. Friday – 12 chicken. I think its kinda funny that you can tell the warm day by just looking at the egg numbers!